Acid Reflux Worse During Period

Yes i have this exactly period time hits and wham reflux is hell !! i had a 4 week period in april after surgery an was the worse reflux i have ever experienced it's only just settling now and i am due again i dread it my sister is the same worse around monthly it's horrendous i researched it any many women say the same. Acid reflux worse during period. I ended up with gastritis and now take meds every day to prevent this but, my stomach pain and acid reflux still gets worse the week before a period during tests for my stomach, an ultrasound picked up a polyp on my gall bladder when i had my last lap i asked if the gynea could take a look and see if that, too, was endo.

acid reflux worse during period

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You mentioned super heavy flow and cramps along with the acid reflux symptom there are a couple of possible guesses: 1 the acid reflux could be coincidental to the heavy period (ie triggered by a food, advil/aspirin-type drugs, or severe stress) 2 when there is a very thick lining in the uterus to be shed that can produce a much heavier flow.

more info acid reflux worse during period---> click here

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