What's Difference Between Heartburn And Indigestion

"heartburn is a burning pain in the chest, which commonly occurs after eating or lying down it can be associated with food or sour liquid traveling up into the mouth, known as regurgitation. What's difference between heartburn and indigestion. Definitions antacid tablets heartburn, sometimes called pyrosis, acid indigestion, or cardialgia, is a symptom which manifests as pain in the throat or neck, and a burning in the chest areaheartburn itself is a symptom rather than a disease or disorder, and is often caused by eating spicy foods, a large quantity of food, or foods high in acid or fat.

what's difference between heartburn and indigestion

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Heartburn, Dyspepsia, and Acid Indigestion Relief | ENO

Whether it is heartburn or indigestion, however, can be confusing because the symptoms overlap in fact, the terms are used synonymously in many circles medically, heartburn and indigestion are overlapping yet distinct entities heartburn is just one of several possible symptoms of indigestion. The terms heartburn, acid reflux, and gerd are often used interchangeably. they actually have very different meanings. acid reflux is a common medical condition that can range in severity from. Distinguishing between ger and gerd can help you get proper treatment. what is ger? gastroesophageal reflux (ger) is also called acid reflux, acid indigestion, or heartburn..

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