Acid Reflux Or Stomach Ulcers

Acid reflux can cause ulcers in the esophagus, which is why acid reflux and ulcers are often closely linked esophageal stricture: strictures are narrow points in lining of the esophagus that can make it hard to swallow food they are caused by the scarring that is done through chronic acid reflux. Acid reflux or stomach ulcers. While acid reflux and peptic ulcer disease may share some similar symptoms and treatments it is vital to get an accurate diagnosis**** when left untreated, peptic ulcers can cause internal.

acid reflux or stomach ulcers

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Acid reflux is an extremely common health problem, affecting as many as 50 percent of americans other terms used for this condition are gastroesophageal-reflux disease or peptic-ulcer disease luckily, there are natural remedies for acid reflux. Acid reflux disease is caused by acid traveling up the esophagus. this is sometimes caused by a relaxation at the stomach-esophagus border, or by an out pouching of the area (called a “hiatal hernia”).the primary symptom is heartburn, but severe disease can cause chest pain.. Acid reflux occurs when acid leaks up from the stomach back up into the esophagus. when this happens, the acid can irritate the airways, causing them to swell..

more info acid reflux or stomach ulcers---> click here

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