Acid Reflux After Laryngitis

Reflux laryngitis is a condition caused by gerd or acid backing up into the esophagus and vocal cords the most common symptom of reflux laryngitis is heartburn this type of laryngitis causes inflammation of the lining of the esophagus, which causes chronic hoarseness, cough, and throat clearing, difficulty swallowing, asthma, and sinusitis. Acid reflux after laryngitis. The other piece of good news is that, unlike reflux-induced chronic coughing, treatment for hoarseness is generally more effective the first step is usually to treat the acid reflux several studies have shown that medication commonly taken to treat reflux or gerd eliminates hoarseness after just a few weeks.

acid reflux after laryngitis

Acid Reflux Symptoms,Causes and Remedies | HubPages

Acid reflux symptoms,causes and remedies | hubpages

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Reflux laryngitis is inflammation of the voice box (larynx) the most common symptom of reflux laryngitis is heartburnother associated symptoms can include difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, cough, throat clearing, vocal cord spasms, and the feeling of a foreign body stuck in the throat symptoms of asthma or sinusitis may also develop causes of reflux laryngitis. Since acid that affects the voice box must first pass through the esophagus, the fact that most reflux laryngitis patients do not get heartburn is a puzzle. different reactions to stomach fluid physicians believe that the esophagus may be better able to resist the effects of stomach fluids (acid and enzymes) than the voice box.. Still, a proportion of people may have acid reflux as the main cause of their laryngitis and doctors who specialize in ear, nose, and throat problems should always be on the lookout for it, says.

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