Acid Reflux Symptoms Phlegm

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or gerd, is a condition in which stomach acid backs up in a person's esophagus because the esophagus is not meant to handle corrosive substances, it causes a number of unpleasant symptoms these can include heartburn, reflux of the stomach contents into the throat, nausea, vomiting, and thick phlegm in the throat. Acid reflux symptoms phlegm. Acid reflux occurs when acidic stomach contents leak up into the esophagus, and it is most commonly associated with symptoms like heartburn if stomach acid irritates the throat or goes into the lungs, it can cause problems like excessive mucus production and wheezing like other reflux symptoms, these can be worse after eating.

acid reflux symptoms phlegm

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Acid reflux coughing up phlegm - Doctor answers

When acid reflux is present along with sinusitis, it helps to treat the acid reflux first, following which, the mucus clears by itself making lifestyle changes, improving diet habits, avoiding foods and medications that trigger acid reflux, eating smaller meals more frequently, chewing the food well, regularizing sleep cycles, reducing weight. Acid reflux phlegm stuck in throat. this is because the acid reflux causes inflammation and the body tries to create more mucus to help protect the throat and this can lead to phlegm build up. the best way to prevent this is to stop the acid reflux through a low acid diet like the wipeout diet. relationship between gerd and sinusitis. Acid reflux is a condition that occurs when acid from the stomach moves upward into the food pipe. the acid causes irritation of the tissue lining, which leads to heartburn – a burning sensation.

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