Long Term Effects Of Acid Reflux Medication

A long-term side effect of acid reflux medications is higher risk for bone fractures the longer you take your ppi medication, the higher the risk one study found that using ppis for 5 years increased the risk of hip fractures, while using them for 7 years increased the risk for all osteoporosis-related fractures. Long term effects of acid reflux medication. These drugs essentially shut down acid production in the stomach, which helps decrease acid reflux (drugs known as zantac and tagamet are called h2 blockers and are acid reducers, not inhibitors.

long term effects of acid reflux medication

Why Acid Blockers Are Not Good Long-Term Solutions for ...

Why acid blockers are not good long-term solutions for

LINX Procedure - Heartburn & Acid Reflux : Heartburn ...

Long-term effects of acid reflux acid reflux occurs when the contents of your stomach rise into your esophagus, toward your throat the most common symptoms of acid reflux are heartburn and regurgitation because some of the most effective medications for treating acid reflux are available over the counter, many. Heartburn sufferers cannot eat properly for fear of acid reflux symptom recurrence. over time, patients become dependent on escalating doses of tums and antacid medications. antacids medications have with significant side effects when taken over long periods of time. second, recurrent acid reflux events burn the delicate esophageal lining.. Now these heartburn drugs have been on the market long-enough to find out what happens over the long term, studies are showing just how damaging to your health these drugs can be. types of acid reflux medication. there are actually several ‘classes’ of acid reflux medication that act in quite different ways..

more info long term effects of acid reflux medication---> click here

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