How To Control Pregnancy Heartburn

Heartburn during pregnancy will plague most moms-to-be at some point because progesterone, the hormone that relaxes muscles in pregnancy, also relaxes the stomach valve that keeps acid out of the. How to control pregnancy heartburn. Control heartburn during pregnancy if you are struggling with heartburn, indigestion, reflux during pregnancy (or you have a client who is) and you’d like one resource to fully address the topic, this is the resource you need finding heartburn relief during pregnancy can be difficult why heartburn occurs with pregnancy can be confusing.

how to control pregnancy heartburn

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Heartburn during pregnancy is common due to high levels of hormones certain foods can aggravate heartburn, such as chocolate, fatty foods, peppermint, and chocolate there are natural, home remedies like avoiding tight clothing, bending and moving correctly, and even chewing gum!. Avoid other heartburn medications during pregnancy unless they're prescribed by your doctor. however, if your heartburn is persistent, your doctor may suggest that you try an over-the-counter heartburn medicine that controls acid production, like proton-pump inhibitors (ppis) or h2 blockers.. Read more: 10 pregnancy foods to get a fair baby 4. ginger. ginger is a natural herb that soothes the stomach, irrespective of the form it is consumed in. you can add ginger to your soup, or brew it in your tea to make ginger tea. in addition to heartburn, ginger also helps alleviate other pregnancy related health issues, like morning sickness and nausea..

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